Val David Festivals
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Festivalul Internațional al Scriitorilor și Artiștilor V "Palabra en el mundo V"
organizat de Rezidența Internațională a Scriitorilor și Artiștilor, Val-David, Quebec, Canada
19-20 mai 2012
Avec l’appui de Conseil des arts du Canada, de Centre local de développement Laurentides,
de L’union des écrivains du Canada, de L’union des écrivains du Quebec
et de la Ligue des poètes canadiens. En collaboration avec l’Association des auteurs
des Laurentides. Avec l'appui de la municipalité de Val-David

Lucrări de artă:

Benedetta I. Pignataro (Montreal/Italia)
Carmen Doreal (Deux Montagnes/Romania)
Roger Lauzon (Morin-Heights/Canada)
Jane Casson (Montreal/Canada)
Ashish Chakraborty (India)
Anindita Chakraborty (India)
Ljubica Milicevic (Montreal/Serbia)

Val David Festival 5
Sâmbătă 19 mai 2012

Cuvântare —Dna Primar
a Val-David, Nicole Davidson
Michael Mirolla (Canada/Italia)
Hélène Dorion (Quebec)
Flavia Cosma (Canada/România)
Paul Seesequasis (Canada)
Ljubica Milicevici (Canada/Serbia)
André Lemelin (Quebec)


Gloria Mindock (USA)
John Asfour (Canada/Liban)
Jeremiah Wall (Canada)
Claude Herdhuin (Canada/Franța)
Ashutosh Chakraborty (India)
Filotea Ruse (Canada/România)
Luis Raúl Calvo (Argentina)—prezentare virtuală
Duminică 20 mai 2012

Demosntrație de Masaj Shiatsu
Ofelia Uta-Burcea (Spania)


Felicia Mihali (Canada/România)
prezentare de carte
The Darling of Kandahar
Adeena Karasick (USA)
Bernard Anton (Canada/Liban)
Ofelia Uta-Burcea (Spania)
Carmen Doreal (Canada/România)
Angela Leuck (Canada)


Desiree Szucsany (Canada)
Steve Luxton (Canada)
Antoine Gravel-Bilodeau (Canada)
Benedeta I. Pignataro (Italie)
David Deladurantaye Leblanc (Canada)
Traian Gărduş (Canada/Roumanie)
Lise Desjardins (Canada)

Pot Luck Banquet

Comunicat de presă
The Fifth International Writers' and Artists Festival "Words in the world” at the Writers' and Artists' Residence at Val-David

In a highly emotionally charged atmosphere, the V International Multilingual, Multicultural Festival has closed its doors for now. The next Festival will take place on 6 and 7 October 2012, under the name of Lyrical Wild Berries Harvest.
Now a popular event in Val-David, the biannual Festival represents a wonderful meeting of minds that only Canada does allow. An event of this nature does strengthen our multicultural tapestry enriching each and all the participants.
During the two days Fest, there were more than 100 people participating in the audience.
The Festival was generously sponsored by the Arts Council of Canada, Le Centre local de développement Laurentides, The Writers’ Union of Canada, L’union des écrivains du Quebec and the League of Canadian Poets, with the support of the town of Val-David.

Festival de Val-David. Entrevista a Flavia Cosma
por Sole Molina

El V Festival de Val-David, que acoge a escritores y artistas, tuvo lugar en mayo pasado. Su organizadora, la poeta rumano-canadiense Flavia Cosma, nos cuenta entretelones sobre el festival, sus participantes y asistentes. Leer completo en Festival de Val-David

Impresiile participanților:

Once again a bright sunny day of blazing poetry, many languages and unique personalities, thanks to the dedication and effort of Flavia Cosma and her helpful, personable associates.
Jeremiah Wall

Thank you so much for inviting us to take part in your poetry festival. Both Steve and I enjoyed meeting such a wonderful group of warm, stimulating and creative people. We look forward to participating again.
Angela Leuck and Steve Luxton, poets, Montreal

Biografiile participanților

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