Flavia Cosma's "Moonlight Fairy Tales"
In a time when pragmatism and cynicism rule, these tales for children are a fresh encounter with innocence. A feast for the imagination at a time when we most need it, when the state of grace that is childhood, such a crucial time in the development of life, is becoming increasingly short-lived. Flavia recognizes the threat of that banality invading deeper into our creative consciousness and refuses to concede to it. Her originality, creativity and wisdom craft a magical world in these beautiful tales which have a subtle moral theme, much in the style of the fables of our childhood that portrayed timeless themes of essential facets of human life such as good and evil, love and loneliness. These are fairy tales to be shared with children to stimulate their young imagination and their delight in fantasy. These tales are sure to preserve our heritage of storytelling and the pleasure derived from it.
Luis Raul Calvo
Poet and essayist
Buenos Aires, Argentina