News 2024
Flavia Cosma receives Doctorado Nobilis Causa from Movimiento Proyecto Cultural Sur!
ómnibus - Poemas de In the Arms of the Father de Flavia Cosma
News 2023
Infolettre mai 2023 pdf
Flavia Cosma receives the Colleen Thibaudeau Award 2023
From all of us at the League of Canadian Poets, thank you for all that you do!
Querid@s amig@s tengo el agrado de comunicarles la publicación de la obra antológica Azzáyt, el carmen del olivar,
donde fui invitada a participar.
Dear Friends, I am pleased to announce the publication of the anthological work Azzáyt,
el carmen del olivar, where I was invited to participate.
Querid@s amig@s, Fui muy afortunada por haber sido invitada a participar la semana pasada en
el VIII Encuentro Internacional de escritores sin fronteras organizado por Grupo literario Luceria
y la Municipalidad de Federación, provincia de Entre Ríos. Fue un evento magnífico de poesía y arte,
encontré amigos poetas de larga data de Argentina y demás el mundo, y compartí con ellos mi poesía
y mi fotografía en una muestra intitulada LAS MIRADAS. Todo esto fue un gran éxito y agradezco
a los organizadores y a la presidenta Graciela Paoli por la oportunidad. Agradezco a la Municipalidad
de Federación por la ORDENANZA N* 2.402-H.C.D.ARTÍCULO 2* por darme la Cordial Bienvenida
(Flavia Cosma--Rumania-Canadá) por recibir la Distinción HUÉSPED de HONOR de la ciudad de FEDERACIÓN años anteriores.
Dear Friends, I was very honored to have been invited to participate on March 17, 18, and 19, 2023
in the VIII International Meeting of Writers Without Borders organized by Grupo Literario Luceria
and the Municipality of Federation, province of Entre Ríos, Argentina. It was a magnificent event
full of poetry and art, where I met long-standing friends from Argentina and the rest of the world,
and I shared with them my poetry and my photography in an exhibition entitled LAS MIRADAS.
All this was a great success and I thank the organizers and the president Graciela Paoli for the opportunity.
I thank the Municipality of Federation for the ORDINANCE N* 2.402-H.C.D. ARTICLE 2* for giving me
the Cordial Welcome (Flavia Cosma--Romania-Canada) for having received the GUEST of HONOR Distinction
from the city of FEDERATION in previous years.
Chers amis, chères amies, J'ai eu beaucoup de chance d'avoir été invité à participer les 17, 18 et 19 de mars 2023
à la VIIIe Rencontre Internationale des Écrivains Sans Frontières organisée par le Grupo Literario Luceria
et la Municipalité de la Fédération, province d'Entre Ríos, Argentina. Ce fut un événement magnifique plein
de poésie et d'art, où j'ai rencontré des amis poètes de longue date d'Argentine et du reste du monde,
et j'ai partagé avec eux ma poésie et la photographie dans une exposition intitulée LAS MIRADAS. Tout cela a été
un grand succès et je remercie les organisateurs et la présidente Graciela Paoli de cette opportunité. Je remercie
la Municipalité de Fédération pour l'ORDONNANCE N* 2.402-H.C.D. Article 2* pour m'avoir donné la Cordiale Bienvenue
(Flavia Cosma--Roumanie-Canada) pour avoir reçu la distinction d'invité d'honneur, distinction qui m'était décernée
par la ville de la Fédération dans les années précédentes.
Voici quelques poèmes du livre Fieras y sombras (Mirada Malva, Granada, Spain, 2018) récités par moi à l'occasion:
Respuestas Flavia Cosma
La noche se llena de torbellinos de estrellas
(a ti te habría gustado esta cosa,
Vincent Van Gogh).
Conocemos las respuestas
antes de preguntar.
La luna aparece pesada por entre los pinos,
turbado, el triste borracho
empieza a mascullar
perdiendo su cordura.
La gente se apura, hace colas
para ver a los psicólogos, psiquiatras
mediadores, chamanes, gurús, curanderos
evitando con cierto disimulo
aquello qui está sangrando en la cruz
por nuestros pecados, por los poemas que hemos
alejado de nosotros o nos negamos a escribir.
Porque todo agobio conduce más temprano
o más tarde a la no existencia; el único logro
exitoso en la vida es engañar al tiempo.
Traducción Luis Raúl Calvo
Sin rastros Flavia Cosma
El animal salvaje, menos salvaje ahora agacha
su cabeza en mis palmas.
En momentos de vigilia, casi somnoliento, se
olvida de las preocupaciones, cierra los ojos
relajando las orejas puntiagudas.
Su pequeño corazón no se sobresalta más frente
a cualquier crujido de hojas, cayendo abajo el frio
y la lluvia.
Pasamos juntos un tiempo, como una eternidad
cuando todas las cosas se pronuncian
tras los latidos del corazón.
Luego, sacudiéndose como frente a una descarga
él sale moviendo su cuerpo,
deslizándose a lo largo
y a lo ancho del camino.
El otoño lo atrapa sin dejar rastros.
Traducción Luis Raúl Calvo
Misterios Flavia Cosma
En la estrecha cama
inventamos otros sabores para el beso
descubrimos otro nombre para el amor
en la frontera entre los años
construimos frases débiles
para describir el misterio que nos une
la dulce pasión que poco a poco
nos corta las alas.
Traducción Luis Raúl Calvo
Lancement du livre "D'une humeur à l'autre" poèmes de Flavia Cosma, Editions du Cygne, Paris, France,
2022, ISBN 978-2-84924-708-2, Centre d'exposition Val-David, QC, 4 septembre 2022.
Speaking in Tongues
—Poets Translating Themselves—
—Interlingual and Intercultural Poetry—
Workshop conducted on ZOOM by Flavia Cosma
1. Flavia Cosma
2. Analia Daporta
3. Andrey Gritsman
4. Bina SarkarEllias
5. Eva Halus
6. Linda Morales Caballero
7. Jonathan Locke Hart
8. Imene Bennani
9. Janine Pioger
10.John Mallette
11. Leilei Chen
This workshop is open to all members
of the League of Canadian Poets and
to members of the Writers’ Union of Canada
This workshop is open to the public
Registration is required
No admission fees
Comments by participants
Accent Montreal
Dear friends, chers amis, cheres amies, querid@s amig@s, the workshop “Speaking in Tongues”—Poets Translating Themselves—was a resounding success.
Thank you very much for your commitment and your invaluable contribution in the debates. You brought to the Round Table your "Hands On" experiences,
so that all of us could learn something from each other, something important and useful in the future. All of you were great!!! I hope that every
one of the participants enriched his/her knowledge on the subject of poetry translation. You are such an inspiration! I am really blessed.
Flavia Cosma--Workshop Coordinator
News 2022
Interview with Flavia Cosma by John Wisniewski published in Cervena Barva Press January Newsletter, 2022
Dear friends, chers amis, cheres amies, querid@s amig@s,
I am very pleased to share the latest LINK
CKCU Literary News--Contexts for reading
Wednesday January 12th, 2022 with Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe
Six internationally acclaimed and award-winning writers read in context:
Sadiqa de Meijer, Flavia Cosma, Joséphine Bacon, Norma Dunning, Esi Edugyan and Mohamed Mbougar Sarr.
News 2021
"Lecture d'été" Lancement du livre Temp de moisson, 7 août, 2021 Centre d'exposition, Val-David, QC
I am thrilled to acknowledge the the publication of my Elegies in the prestigious Literary Magazine KNOT.
Thank you very much Kristen Scott and Imene Chaabane Bennani.
I dedicate these verses to those who
attracted by non-existence
descend the steps of time
learning in their fall
the mysteries of flight.
For them I dressed in red,
took the bull by the antlers
and learned a few things about love.
Marché de la Poésie 20 a 24 octobre 2021
@MDLPParis · mon livre « Temps de moisson » publié cette année par Editions du Cygne, Paris, France, est dans les "nouveautés officielles" au Marché
de la Poésie de Paris du 20 au 24 octobre 2021. Merci infiniment la Maison d’Edition et son directeur Patrice Kanozsai.
In the Arms of the Father - Trailer
Accent Montreal - Flavia Cosma și Festivalul Internațional de Poezie de la Val-David
Conferinta lui OFELIA Uta-Burcea in cadrul Feastivalului International de la Val-David, publicata in Generacion Abierta, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Federico García Lorca, el ángel caído, a 85 años de su asesinato, por Ofelia M. Uta Burcea
Le nouveau livre de Flavia:Temps de moisson - poemes
Editions du Cygne, Paris, France, Preface Louis-Philippe Hebert, Postface Helene Dorion
Photographie couverture Flavia Cosma (du cycle "Automne à Val-David" Centro Cultural Luis Borges de Buenos Aires, Argentine 2019)
News 2020
Poe3ía y Opinión - SIN LÍMITES por FLAVIA COSMA - Traducción de Luis Raúl Calvo
The Power of Poetry by Flavia Cosma essay by Flavia Cosma--National Poetry Month--The League of Canadian Poets--April 2020
Dear friends, chers amis/cheres amies, querid@s amig@s,
I am delighted to let you know that my poem
"A New Shirt" was just published by Columba, Winter 2020.
Grateful thanks Emily Tristan Jones.
O también por Google: Poe3ía y Opinión. enero 31 Flavia Cosma.jpg
News 2019
Diverses Cités - Flavia Cosma — Val-David
News 2018
Flavia Cosma - Due inediti (Traduzione di Giuliano Ladolfi)
Atelier Poesia
Caloretti Editores
Parnas XXI Versuri de ieri și de azi - FLAVIA COSMA - SĂLBĂTICIUNI ȘI UMBRE
Nuevo libro editado por Mirada Malva, Cuentos de hadas a la luz de la luna de Flavia Cosma,
con unas hermosas ilustraciones del artista Ioan Balcosi y traducción al español de Luis Raúl Calvo.
Flavia Cosma at the XVII Festival de Val-David, 9 and 10 June 2018
Fieras y sombras de Flavia Cosma
News 2017
Cinco poemas de Flavia Cosma, Una hoja un libro
Comunicat de presa: Flavia Cosma, The Poetic Bond VII
Comunicat de presa: Flavia Cosma, 6 noiembrie 2017
The XVI Writers and Artists Festival at Val-David, QC, Canada, 7 and 8 Oct 2017
Poemas en la Revista Cultural Calle B, Cuba
Flavia Cosma - Fauves et ombres - Éditions du Cygne, Paris, 2017
Certificate of Achievement presented to Flavia Cosma
In recognition for volunteering time and effort as a Passages speaker
Flavia Cosma huespede distinguido Municipalidad de Federación
Poe3ía y Opinión - Flavia Cosma - EL MAR TRANSTORNADO
Decouvrir mrc Laurentides - Festival international des écrivains et artistes de Val-David
News 2016
O scriitoare română de prestigiu din Canada - Flavia Cosma
Revista ASLRQ - Flavia Cosma - Poeme din volumul "Sălbăticiuni şi umbre"
Ciclo de Lecturas Poéticas
(2004 – 2016)
El café del Grupo AERA, coordinado por Alejandro Drewes, tiene el placer de presentar el jueves 27 de octubre a las 20.30 hs. en la sede
de la Sociedad Argentina de Escritores, Uruguay 1371, salón auditorio del tercer piso, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, el siguiente programa de lecturas:
Lectura de textos de los poetas rumanos:
en versiones castellanas, a cargo del coordinador, Alejandro Drewes
Flavia Cosma: Lectura Embajada de Rumania en Buenos Aires
Our international editor, Flavia Cosma, has a new book out called "The Latin Quarter" published by MadHat Press.
Click here to order Flavia's book from MadHat Press
Click here to order Flavia's book from Amazon
Mar del Plata, Argentina
Conference--Flavia Cosma-Peregrina de la palabra by Susana Cattaneo, Buenos Aires 13 June 2016
COSMA FLAVIA peregrina del mundo en la palabra por Susana Cataneo
MadHat Press - Latin Quarter by Flavia Cosma
Revista Asociatiei Scriitorilor din Brazilia - Pagina 5
Brasilia, Brazil March 17 2016, Homage International for the Brazilian poet Anderson Braga Horta.
Poesis. Flavia Cosma. Graiul Maramuresului
Afis Lansare Flavia Cosma la Ambasada Romaniei din Buenos Aires 15 decembrie 2015
News 2015
Letras & Musica - Invitadxs
Revista Shqiptari, Nr. 5, Bukuresht, Maj 2015 (pag. 45-49)
CONFLUENŢE LITERARE - Daniel Marian despre poezia lui Flavia Cosma - Poezii de Flavia Cosma
Poe3ía y Opinión - Arenas movedizas por Flavia Cosma
The English edition of “World Poetry Yearbook 2014” was published
Gaceta Literaria Virtual, pagina 29, Flavia Cosma, LOS HUEVOS, traduccion de Luis Raúl Calvo
De donde he acumulado anoche tantos huevos,
que en mi sueño se rompían ruidosamente
al mezclarlos, transformándolos en una pasta blanda,
como un corazón herido, confundido por la añoranza.
La gente se amontonaba para el festín,
los huevos chisporroteaban en el sartén,
y yo pensaba: que pena
destruir de una vez tantas semillas
que habrían podido un día dar vida
a tantos pájaros
pues toda la gente sabe
que si con pájaros vas a soñar
amor vas a encontrar
O noua carte de poezie bilingva romana/albaneza Liniste Divina
Antologie romana/albaneza Anotimpul iubirii editie romano/albaneza)
Poezi nga Flavia Cosma
Zgârieturi pe fața oglinzii - recenzie de Adrian Erbiceanu in revista Tribuna Noastra
News 2014
Levure littéraire
Levure littéraire ~ Numéro 10
Zgârieturi pe fața oglinzii - recenzie de Adrian Erbiceanu in revista Vatra Veche - pag 36-37
Poe3ía y Opinión : Continente del Sur por Flavia Cosma
Gaceta Literaria Virtual Pagina 30
Vient de paraitre Quartier latin de Flavia COSMA Traduit du roumain par Denis EMORINE
Quartier latin - de Flavia COSMA - Traduit du roumain par Denis EMORINE
Auteurs dans la vallee 19, 20, 21, juillet 2014
THE BEST WORLD - guide travel (great people and places) - The International Writers’ and Artists’ Residence at Val-David, Quebec, Canada
GACETA LITERARIA Nº 93– Agosto de 2014– Año VIII – Nº 8
GACETA LITERARIA Nº 93– Poem -Pagina 31
Antoaneta Turda - Focul ce ne arde - Recenzie
Flavia Cosma – Five Poems, Muddy River Poetry Review
Actorul Dorel Visan recitand din cartea Flaviei Cosma "Zgarieturi pe fata oglinzii" Targul de carte Alba Iulia, mai 2014.
Amazing Things Art Center/160 Hollis Street, Framingham, MA
Poetry Reading, Sunday, June 22nd
Readers: Alan Britt, Mike Foldes, Flavia Cosma, Duda Penteado, Gloria Mindock
This reading is part of the WE ARE YOU PROJECT: NEW ENGLAND EDITION
June 19th-Aug. 3rd
A group exhibition of 36 major contemporary Latino artists celebrating the contributions of US-Latinos within America's history.
Reception: 6/21, 5:00-7:00PM
Poetry Reading: 6/22, 1:00 (readers listed above)
Documentary film: 6/25, 7:00PM
I hope to see many of you at this!
Le corps de la lune de Flavia Cosma
Link de Poe3ía y Opinión (2)
Link de Poe3ía y Opinión (1)
Isla Negra - Flavia Cosma - april 2014.pdf
Poe3ía y Opinión - El bronce de las estatuas por Flavia Cosma
Poème Coup de Coeur du Comité
On Her Own Path - Review by Diana Manole
Four Points Contemporary 2nd Bi-annual International Art Competition
La main d’acier de l’homme - TRANSLITERRA: terres d'écrits et itinéraires culturels
El verano imposible por Flavia Cosma
Flavia Cosma : Poèmes inédits en français
Флавия Косма. Румыния-Канада. Ожидание
Tú, guardador de misterios... por Flavia Cosma
News 2013
Cronică la cartea Trupul Lunii în Actualitatea Literară nr. 35, pagina 3, decembrie 2013
Vatra veche (page 32) Recenzie pentru "Zgarieturi pe fata oglinzii"
Hart House: Living Library Projectw
Sin Fronteras Antologia Anual Tomo II
Poe3ía y Opinión - Editorial Cielo Gris - VEN AHORA… por Flavia Cosma
Agentia de carte - Citind "Zgârieturi pe faţa oglinzii" de Flavia Cosma
Isla Negra 9/358 septiembre 2013 Pagina 20
Flavia Cosma
Rumania- Canadá
Hemos naufragado en el desierto
de un estrecho cuarto de hotel;
Nos quedaba una hora más o menos
y una vida pasada, en contra;
sobre el futuro nos aconsejamos uno al otro,
y también acerca de la muerte
teníamos algo que decir,
como vivirla si nos llega la hora.
El resto era eternidad, inmortalidad,
tiempo vencido;
caricias apresuradas, incompletas,
Sofocados por el peso de los besos
que regresaban desde el abismo exigiendo
sus derechos,
no nos atrevimos a contemplar
el minuto siguiente,
después de nuestro momento de gracia.
Transliterra: terres d'écrits et itinéraires
Ragazine - Poems by Luis Raúl Calvo, translated by Flavia Cosma
Suleke Pimesi
Poe3ía y Opinión
Le bronze des statues - Publié par TRANSLITERRA
"We Are You" Project by Flavia Cosma
Laotra Revista de Poesia
Antonio Miranda
La poesía une a los pueblos y acerca las culturas
La marea sensible de Flavia Cosma
La poesía une a los pueblos y acerca las culturas
Homenaje al 1er. Congreso de Poetas - Abril de 1985, en la Univ. Nacional de San Marcos.
Se lanzará el libro homenaje:
LUGAR: Casa de la Literatura- Lima
HORA: De dos a ocho PM. DÍA: Lunes 15 de abril
A todo el mundo desde la Casa de la Literatura Peruana
(Con 33 atrevidos y forzados decimistas del Perú)
También el libro de Flavia Cosma EL CUERPO DE LA LUNA
Diana Alvarez Muñoz. Argentina
Antonio Miranda. Brasil
Flavia Cosma. Rumanía
Flavia Cosma, poeta de origen rumano, escritora y traductora. Ha ganado premios como productora independiente de documentales para televisión,
como directora y guionista. A lo largo de su carrera, ha recibido numerosos premios. Por citar algunos: Su libro 47 Poems (Texas Tech University Press)
recibió el Premio ALTA Richard Wilbur Poetry in Translation, tercer premio en la competencia John Dryden Translation de 2007 por la co-traducción
In The Arms of The Father, poemas propios (British Comparative Literature Association & British Literary Translation Centre). Etc. Fue condecorada
como "Miembro de Honor, con Medalla de Oro por su labor de promoción cultural y docente", en la III Edición del Festival Internacional de Poetas Huari. Peru 2010.
Flavia Cosma featured on Levure littéraire
Flavia Cosma featured on TRANSLITERRA
Flavia Cosma featured on blog: Truck
Dear Flavia,
How wonderful to be able to share your amazingly beautiful, colourful and vigorous impressions from the Mediterranean world with all lovers of poetry and the famous Blue! I can see why you have been so highly praised in the international community!
Lines like these makes an old man that has studied both ancient archaeology and mythology ( cry:
A nymph bathes in the sea,
A satyr wakens from his dream,
Into the silvery, ever-traveling tide
A solitary man-fish swims.
The evening –a brave maiden-
Descends over us.
Flocking in white bands,
Riding their winged horses,
And laughing,
The Gods sail away.
So, your poems have been posted at right now! Please feel free to contact us at any time if you would like to alter or append anything you see on the post.
My very warmest wishes and THANKS (in “advance” from all the lovers of poetry and the Famous Blue that visit our site too) for your amazing contribution and I wish you all luck with your future work and hope for a word (poem) with a Mediterranean touch from you now and then!
Anders Dahlgren
News 2012
Un poem de mon livre "Le miel trouble du matin" publie dans TRANSLITERRA
Antologia "Desde todo el silencio", Argentina 2012
Le miel trouble du matin | Flavia Cosma
GACETA LITERARIA Noº 71– Octubre de 2012 - PÁGINA 28 – POESÍA ALLENDE EL MAR - Flavia Cosma
Hinchas de Poesia - Man’s Iron Hand - by Flavia Cosma
Flavia Cosma
Fuego en invierno
El sol se quiebra en miles de astillas
y arde prudentemente
en esa estufa que sólo calienta una parte del lugar.
Me estoy bronceando los brazos con las pequeñas llamas,
mi sangre brota, corre a través de los espacios
a tu encuentro.
La piel humeante
se desprende perezosa en un par de huesos,
el cuerpo pleno de sueños
late satisfecho.
Abajo, los recuerdos tardíos,
El cuerpo de la luna -traducido por Luis Raúl Calvo
Isla Negra 8/324
LAOTRA Revista de Poesia + Artes Visuales + Otras Letras
Recours au Poème - Flavia Cosma
Sobre "El Barrio Latino", poemario de Flavia Cosma
Lectura: Hojas de diario - Flavia Cosma
L'information du nord - "Les arts au secours des animaux"
News 2011
Presentating the book Profane Incentidumbres by Luis Raul Calvo:
"Son innumerables los poetas de todos los tiempos que han cantado bajo todos los prismas el personaje del mendigo, pobre de solemnidad, pordiosero, andrajoso o harapiento, que también hay matices para tal menester… Uno puede encontrar, a bote pronto, referencias, las que se quiera, desde Job en el pasaje del rico Epulón en los textos sagrados cristianos o en Homero , Eurípides, Horacio, y cómo no, los mendigos de amor de Shakespeare, Molière o Donne y acá en la versión más histriónica del propio Quevedo. El Romanticismo y Simbolismo europeo configuraron, junto a la bohême y el spleen un manera estetizante del mendigo real o literario. No pocos autores parisinos, madrileños, londinenses, lisboetas o berlineses fueron, a su manera, mendigos de pro, de cultura raída en los bolsillos hueros. Li Po u Omar Khayyam ya se habían currado la figura del mendigo ebrio. El tema da para acotación obligada y tesis doctoral.
Flavia Cosma, otra autora de la diáspora rumana, lo sabe a la perfección y restituye en su poema un climax creciente hasta el último verso en el que aparece la palabra clave “cerşetor” en un expresivo vocativo. Sabe nuestra poeta que etimológicamente (lat. circitor) mendigo es el que da vueltas, deambula a la búsqueda de la limosna. Una limosna que, más allá del óbolo y la materialización de la caridad, nos acerca al carisma del Amor. Es en este sentido en donde Flavia Cosma liga su poema a los mejores poemas de los trovadores provenzales que describieron en ambas corrientes –la nobiliaria (Arnaut Daniel) y la burguesa (Rustebues)- la convención de captaire d’Amor."
Ensayo por Pere Besso i Gonzalez
News 2009
Trip to Romania-- May 2, 2009 to June 10, 2009
Flavia Cosma is invited to:
- The Festival Lucian Blaga (Alba Iulia) where she'll launch the poetry book "Nimic pentru aici, nimic pentru dincolo" by Luis Raul Calvo, Argentina, translated from Spanish by Flavia Cosma.
- Oradea-launching of "La Portile Raiului" poems by Gloria Mindock, USA, translated from English by Flavia Cosma, Editura Cogito, Oradea.
- Iasi-launching of "Povestile Saptamanii", fairy tales by Flavia Cosma, Editura Ars Longa, Iasi.
- Timisoara-British American Studies Annual Conference, where Flavia Cosma will present a paper about Poetry and the art of translating it. Also as part of this program, Flavia will launch her latest poetry collection in English "Thus Spoke the Sea"
- Pitesti-The Canadian Studies Annual Conference, where Flavia Cosma will conduct a multilingual poetry reading.
Coming up soon:
- February 6, 2009 - Laurentian University, Sudbury - reading at prestigious Luminaries program
- March 4, 2009 - Noches de Poesia Festival, Montreal, Quebec, reading in English, Romanian and Spanish. Later that night, will be on Spanish-language radio program Poesia Libre, Montreal
Winter 2008-2009
- Visited Buenos Aires, Argentina from December 7-21, 2008
- Plumas de Angeles, poems in Spanish, published by Editorial Dunken, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 2008
- Seven poems from the circle Vara Argentina were published by Familia, Oct. 2008
- The poem Bury Me Gently from The Season of Love was read by George Elliott Clark on CBC Radio, November 2008
- Seven poems were published in Discobolul, Alba Iulia, Romania, November 2008
- Five poems were published in Gandul Romanesc, Alba Iulia, Romania, December 2008
- The poems When Someone Dies Unexpectedly and So Many Clocks In The House were published in the anthology Sounding the Seconds, 2008
- Revista Literaria Paralelo-30 Brazil - Finding You Again (3 languages)
- Appeared in September 2008 Issue of The Houston Literary Review, Argentine Summer II
- published in Almustaqbal Newspaper, Lebanon, with a translation in Arabic by Jackleen Salam, of the poem From Afar, Dec. 21, 2008
- Bio and pictures translated into Farsi and posted on the website of Afghanistan Women Writer's Union, Dec. 2008
- The Romanian embassy in Buenos Aires presented Plumas de Angeles at a lavish reception, Dec. 10, 2008
- Launching of Plumas de Angeles at Cafe Literario Antoni Aliberti, Cafe Montserrat, Buenos Aires
- Radio interviews and readings in Buenos Aires:
Dec. 14, 2008 Caleidoscopo
Dec. 20, 2008 Poesia y Algo Mas
Dec. 20, 2008 Generacion Apierta
January 19, 2009 reading poetry in Spanish, Caleidoscopo, Argentina
- Press releases: La Autentica Defensa - Dec. 23, 2008, Dec. 24, 2008
- Revista de Cultura N ClarinX Dec. 20, 2008
Autumn 2008
Flavia will be releasing a book this October, "Thus Spoke The Sea", from KCLF-21 Press
Latest publications
- Interview with Flavia Cosma in AWTTAR
- Interview with Flavia Cosma in Tawimm,
- The poem Beyond published in the August 2008 issue of Quill & Parchment e-zine
- The poems Danza, No se es tigre, Resurreccion and No hables appeared in Giramondo e-anthology published by
- The poems Passing Through Fire, To Be Sixteen Again, The Eternal Law, and Under the Cover of Time appeared in Tertulia Magazine
- The poem The End Of The World appeared in Private, International review of photographs and texts, France
- So Many Clocks In The House and When Someone Dies Unexpectedly appeared in Sounding the Seconds - A Canadian Poetry Anthology, 2008
Lithuania and Romania tours, October 2008
- Vilnius University, Kaunas Campus - Poetry in Multicultural Canada
- Vytauti Magni University, Kaunas - The Condition of Writers In Exile
- Participation in International Conference Texts and Contexts: Interactive Perspectives at Vilnius University with the paper About Poetry and the Art of Translating It, October 14-18, 2008
- Launching Thus Spoke The Sea (Lutheran Church of Vilnius University)
- University of Alba Iulia - a series of conferences about poetry and the contribution of ethnic writers in Canada, October 23-24 2008
- Launching Thus Spoke The Sea (University of Alba Iulia)
- Meetings and round tables with graduate students and representatives of The Writers Union of Romania, Alba Iulia Division.
Summer 2008
Flavia went to Romania from May 4th to June 2nd, 2008, participating in poetry readings, conferences, and public speaking.
She is slated to attend a conference at Vilnius University in Lithuania in October 2008, "Texts and Contexts: Interactive Perspectives".
Flavia will soon release a book of her poems, translated by Manuel Serrano Pérez into Spanish. Read the Spanish translations here.
Winter and Spring 2008
Flavia's poetry collection Songs of the Aegean Sea made the short list in the 2007 Canadian Aid Literary Awards. Songs of the Aegean Sea will be published by Cervena Barva Press.
Flavia's poetry collection The Season of Love will be released by Cervena Barva Press on April 16, 2008, and there will be a reading and reception at Pierre Menard Gallery in Cambridge, MA.
On March 18, 2008, Flavia will participate in a poetry reading at the University of Toronto, from 1:30-3:30pm.
Flavia will go to Argentina from February 3 to March 1. She will conduct some readings and inaugurate the Proyecto Victoria Ocampo in the Puan locality, Buenos Aires Province.
On Jan. 12, Flavia was a guest reader at the Vaughan Poets' Circle, in Thornhill, ON.
A Country of One Poems in Romanian and English, a Virtual Book by Brindin Press
Fall and Winter 2007
Readings, launchings, and public speeches
June 7, 2007 Launch of Gothic Calligraphy, Toronto Writer's Center
July 1, 2007 Speaking at Yonge-Dundas Square, World Refugees Day
July 2, 2007 Speaking about Canada at the Nuns of St. Joseph, Toronto
October 17, 2007 Launch of Neant Binevoitor (poems), Cântece la Marea Egee (poems) and Teatru pentru Copii Mici şi Mara (drama) - Muzeul Literaturii Romane, Iaşi, Romania
October 18, 2007 Speaking about Human Rights in Multicultural Canada and The Condition of Writers In Exile at the University of Iaşi, Romania
October 19, 2007 Launch of Neant Binevoitor (poems), Cântece la Marea Egee (poems) and Teatru pentru Copii Mici şi Mara (drama) - Head Offices of Civic Alliance, Oradea, Romania
October 20, 2007 Speaking about Human Rights in Multicultural Canada and The Condition of Writers In Exile at the University of the North, Baia Mare, Romania
October 22, 2007 Launch of Neant Binevoitor (poems), Cântece la Marea Egee (poems) and Teatru pentru Copii Mici şi Mara (drama) - at the Goldiş University, Satu Mare, Romania
October 27, 2007 Speaking about Human Rights in Multicultural Canada and The Condition of Writers In Exile at the University of Bucharest, Romania
November 24, Launch of Variety Crossing, at U of T, Hart House, Music Room, 6:30pm
December 3, 2007 Poetry Reading - Cooked and Eaten Events, 2007-08 season - Cervantes Restaurant, 211 Hunter St. W. Peterborough, ON 7:30pm
New Publications
Neant Binevoitor (poems) Ediura SEMNE, Bucharest, 2007 ISBN 973-624-533-0
Cântece la Marea Egee (poems) Ars Longa, Iasi, Romania, 2007 ISBN 973-8912-74-1
Teatru pentru Copii Mici şi Mara (drama) Biblioteca Revistei Familia, Oradea, Romania, 2007 ISBN 978-973-9401-73-9
The Adventures of Tommy Teddy Bear and Alex Little Bunny a children's book, Korean Canadian Literary Forum-21, Toronto, ON, 2007 ISBN 9780978202019
Literary Magazines, Anthologies
Citadela, Satu Mare, Romania, Sept. 2007
a. Cerul de Lapte - poem
b. Trei Inimi - poem
Variety Crossing Volume 9, Toronto, ON Nov. 2007
a. The Word - poem
Summer 2007
Santa Fe Institute Residency - July 5 to July 30
Anthology Murmurs of Voices / Murmure des voix / Murmurul Vocilor, Cogito Publishing House, 2007:
a. Bilingual Poems by Flavia Cosma: The Oldest of the Old, Nocturnal Silence, Resurrection, If I Could Be..., In the Arms of the Father
b. Translations by Flavia Cosma of poems by Gloria Mindock, George Elliott Clarke, Dae-Tong Huh
A Canadian Anthology of Poetry Butterfly Thunder, A Beret Days Book, 2007
Blind Bird and The Moon's Body, poems by Flavia Cosma
Verse Afire, Tri-Annual Publication of The Ontario Poetry Society
Leaves of a Diary 18, poem by Flavia Cosma
Citadela, Literary Magazine, Satu-Mare, Romania
Translations by Flavia Cosma of two poems by Gloria Mindock
The poems Autumn Morning, Midnight Thoughts, Angels' Feathers, The Omens, The Sighing and Road of Autumn - Published in August by, England
A Country of One, selected poems by Flavia Cosma, an E-Book, published by Brindin Press, England, September 2007
Istanbul Literary Review - September 2007
a. Beyond, Lament, Stones-Words, Hazy Twilight, Under the Cover of Time - Poems by Flavia Cosma
b. Rhodes or Rhodos or Rodi - Travel memoir by Flavia Cosma (Fragment)
Spring 2007
On July 2, 2007, Flavia went to London, England to accept third prize in the John Dryden Translation Competition.
Flavia Cosma and Charles Siedlecki are delighted to announce their latest literary accomplishment:
Third Prize in the John Dryden Translation Competition 2007, for the translation of In The Arms of The Father, poems by Flavia Cosma
- Sponsored by the British Comparative Literature Association and the British Centre for Literary Translation
- The award ceremony will take place at the BCLA conference at Goldsmith’s in London, UK, in July 2007.
- An extract from their entry will be published in Comparative Critical Studies, the journal of the BCLA, later this year.
Launch of Gothic Calligraphy
Thursday, June 7, 2007, 6:30 PM
Presented by George Elliott Clarke, Charles Siedlecki
and Krzysztof Zarzecki
The Toronto Writers’ Centre
101 Yorkville Avenue, Suite 200, Toronto
Tel. (416) 975-5172
Free admission
Poetry Reading
On May 16, 2007, Flavia participated in a poetry reading presented by DRAFT
Artist's Play Studio Theatre, 216 Carlaw, Unit 209, Toronto
Also reading: George Elliott Clarke, Phyllis Gottlieb, Pasha Malla, Rob McLennan, and Merle Nudelman
For more information: 416-433-4170
Flavia Cosma has been accepted for a month-long stay during July of 2007, as a resident-writer at the Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Flavia Cosma was invited for a third time to Rhodes by the International Writers' and Translators' Centre of Rhodes, from September 16, 2007 to October 16, 2007.
Public Speaking Engagements
- May 1, 2007, 10:00am - speaking on Human Rights to students at Henry Hudson Public School, Scarborough
- May 8, 2007 "Reality Day" Flavia Cosma will be speaking about television documentary production at a career day event, at J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate, Ajax, ON
New Publications
Her latest poetry manuscript, Songs at the Aegean Sea, was accepted for publication by Cervena Barva Press, Somerville, Massachusetts. The same press will publish two other books of poetry for Flavia Cosma: Gothic Calligraphy (March 2007), and The Season of Love (July 2007).
The chapbook Gothic Calligraphy, Cervena Barva Press 2007, came out of the press and is ready for distribution. An official launching will be announced shortly.
Flavia's poem Winter Again was accepted for publication for the Spring 2007 issue of Salted River Review.
Book launch in Romania
Flavia Cosma went to Romania on March 14, 2007 to launch Poeme Incendiare (Incendiary Poems) by George Elliott Clarke (Translated into the Romanian by Flavia Cosma)
Among the cities they visited to launched the book: Oradea, Satu Mare, Baia Mare, and Bucharest.
Flavia Cosma received an Honorable Mention Award for her poem Cradle-Song, published in the recent anthology Open Heart 1 (The Ontario Poetry Society).
Winter 2006-07
Public Speaking Engagements:
February 14, 2007 reading and lecturing about poetry at Nellie's Women's Shelter, Toronto
December 6, 2006, speaking to 100 students at Cornell Jr. Public School, about Human Rights and Refugee Camps.
- Saturday, Nov. 25, 2006, 6pm, Hart House-Music Room, free, launching of Variety Crossings, NR. 8
- Sunday, Dec. 3, 2006, 1 pm, The Victory Cafe, 581 Markham Street (behind Honest Ed's). The Ontario Poetry Society-The Annual Winter Warm-Up Poetry Fest. The event is free.
- Saturday, Dec. 9, 2006, 9 am, The Christmas gathering of Writers and Editors Network (WEN), Canadiana Restaurant, on Dundas near Keele Station. This event includes breakfast and it costs $16.00
- Thursday, Dec. 21, 2006, 7pm, Year's End Gathering of Canadian Authors Association (Toronto Branch) at Northview Library Orchard View Boulevard, (Yonge and Eglinton Area). Free for members, $5.00 for non-members.
Newspaper articles from summer of 2006
Flavia Cosma şi sinceritatea discursului poetic
Întâlnire cu poezia Flavia Cosma
Ieri au fost lansate trei cărţi ale Flaviei Cosma
Autumn 2006
- September 15, 2006 Anamaria Felecan defends her Master's thesis "Flavia Cosma, an International Poet" North University, Baia Mare, Romania, obtaining an "Excellent" mark.
- David Mills, poet, composer, writer, reviews Leaves of a Diary ("Canadian Poet Ponders Life's Deep Mysteries")
- Flavia Cosma has translated into Romanian Poeme Incendiare (Incendiary Poems) by George Elliott Clarke. It was published in Romania by Cogito Press, Sept. 2006.