Flavia Cosma este scriitoare, poetǎ şi traducǎtoare româno-canadianǎ nǎscutǎ în România, câştigǎtoare a numeroase premii internaţionale. Este licenţiatǎ
în Inginerie Electricǎ la Institutul Politehnic Bucureşti şi a studiat teatru în România. Este deasemeni producǎtoare, regizoare şi scenaristǎ pentru filme
documentare de televiziune. Vorbeşte fluent engleza, româna, franceza şi spaniola; produce opere originale şi traduceri în aceste patru limbi.
Flavia a publicat 31 volume de poezie, un roman (atât în română cât şi în engleză), o carte de memorii de cǎlǎtorie (atât în română cât şi în engleză) şi
cinci cǎrţi pentru copii. Volumul sǎu de versuri Leaves of a Diary a fost acceptat în cadrul Universitǎţii din Toronto, la catedra E. J. Pratt
Canadian Literature ca material didactic pentru anii 2007-2008. Volumul său de versuri Thus Spoke the Sea a fost acceptat în cadrul Universităţii
Towson, din Baltimore, Maryland, USA, ca material didactic pentru anul 2014, clasa profesorului Alan Britt. Volumul sau de versuri The Latin Quarter
a fost acceptat în cadrul Universităţii Towson, din Baltimore, Maryland, USA, ca material didactic pentru anul 20146-2017, English 261 (Elements of Poetry)
class, Professor Alan Britt. Poemele şi cǎrţile sale au obţinut numeroase premii dintre care cele mai importante sunt enumerate mai jos.
Cosma este membrǎ a Uniunii Scriitorilor din România, The League of Canadian Poets, British Comparative Literature Association, L’Association des Auteurs
des Laurentides, Union Hispanoamericana de Escritores, etc.
Flavia Cosma este directoarea Reşedinţei Internaţionale pentru Scriitori şi Artişti, Val-David, Quebec, Canada, şi a Festivalului
biannual internaţional de la Val-David.
Flavia Cosma este International Editor pentru Cervena Barva Press, Somerville, MS, USA
Adresă de contact:
Listǎ de Premii
47 Poems, (Texas Tech University Press, 1992), a câştigat prestigiosul premiu ALTA Richard Wilbur Poetry in Translation Prize.
Romania, A Country at the Crossroads, a TV documentary, a obţinut The Canadian Scene National Award (1992).
Flavia a fost distinsǎ cu Primer Premio—Paz en el Mundo Competition 2005, Bilingual Writers MCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pentru poemul The Season of Love.
A fost nominalizatǎ de trei ori pentru The Pushcart Prize cu poeme din Leaves of a Diary (2006), The Season of Love (2008) and Thus Spoke the Sea (2008).
Honorable Mention Award from The Ontario Poetry Society—Open Heart Competition 2007, pentru poemul Cradle-Song.
Flavia Cosma a obţinut Third Prize in the John Dryden Translation Competition, 2007, pentru traducerea cǎrţii sale In The Arms of The Father,
poems by Flavia Cosma, (British Comparative Literature Association & British Literary Translation Centre)
Cartea sa Songs at the Aegean Sea a fost inclusǎ în The Short List--The Canadian Aid Literary Awards Contest, Dec. 2007.
Finalistǎ în al 6° Certamen Internacional de Poesia “La lectora impaciente”,
Gandia-Valencia,Spain, 2008, cu poemele Dance (Danza), You’re not a Tiger (No se es un tigro), Don’t Speak (No hables) si Resurrection (Resurreccion)
A primit Titlul de Excelenţă pentru contribuţia deosebitǎ la îmbogăţirea şi promovarea culturii româneşti în spaţiul european şi în lume,
in cadrul Festivalului Internaţional “Lucian Blaga”, ediţia XXIX, Sebeş-Alba, România, 2009.
Flavia Cosma a fost distinsă cu Titlul de Membră de Onoare şi decorată cu Medalia de Aur de către Casa del Poeta Peruano, Lima, Peru în cadrul celui
de-al III Festival Internaţional de poezie din localitatea Huari, Peru, pentru opera sa poetică şi pentru contribuţia sa la promovarea culturii în lume, Septembrie 2010.
Cărțile Flaviei Cosma în limba engleză:
- THE LATIN QUARTER, poeme, 2016, MadHat Press, Asheville, North Carolina, USA, ISBN 978-1-941196-21-2
- ON PATHS KNOWN TO NO ONE, poeme, 2012, Cervena Barva Pres, Somerville, Massachusetts, USA, ISBN 978-0-9844732-6-7
- POSTCARDS FROM RHODES, a travel memoir, 2010, Variety Crossing Press, Toronto, Canada, ISBN 978-0-9812279-2-4
- MOONLIGHT FAIRY TALES, a children’s book, 2009, In Our Own Words Inc. Press, Mississauga, ON, Canada, ISBN 978-0-9809932-8-8
- THUS SPOKE THE SEA, poems, 2008, KCLF-21 Press, Toronto, ON, Canada, ISBN 978-0-9782020-6-4. 80 pages
- THE SEASON OF LOVE, poems, 2008, Červená Barva Press, Somerville, MA, USA, ISBN 978-0-615-20097-2, 89 pages
- A COUNTRY OF ONE, an E-book, www.brindin.com 2007,100 pages
- THE ADVENTURES OF TOMMY TEDDY BEAR AND ALEX LITTLE BUNNY, a children’s book, 2007, Korean-Canadian Literary Forum-21 Press, Toronto, ON, Canada, ISBN 0-9782020-1-9
- GOTHIC CALLIGRAPHY, a poetry chapbook, 2007, Červená Barva Press, Somerville, Massachusetts, USA
- LEAVES OF A DIARY, poems, 2006, Korean-Canadian Literary Forum-21 Press, Toronto, Canada, ISBN 0-9689561-7-3, 72 pages
- FATA MORGANA, poems, 2003, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, ISBN 0-7734-3482-8, 87 pages
- WORMWOOD WINE, poems, 2004, 2001, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, ISBN 0-7734-3416-X, ISBN 0-7734-3553-0 (hc), 87 pages.
- THE FIRE THAT BURNS US, a novel, 1996, Singular Speech Press, Canton, Connecticut, ISBN 1-880286-34-3, 114 pages
- 47 POEMS, 1992, Texas Tech University Press, ISBN 089672-304-6, ISBN 0-89672-279-1, 99 pages. (Richard Wilburn ALTA Poetry in Translation Award)
- FAIRY TALES, 1990, Canadian Stage and Arts, Toronto, Canada, ISBN 0-919952-48-8, 47 pages.
Cărțile Flaviei Cosma în limba spaniolă:
- PLUMAS DE ANGELES, poemas, 2008, Editorial Dunken, Buenos Aires, Argentina, ISBN 978-978-02-3508-8, 87 pages
- HOJAS DE DIARIO, poemas 2011, Editorial Maribelina, Lima, Peru
- EL BARRIO LATINO, poemas 2012, Editorial Maribelina, Lima, Peru, ISBN 978-9972-685-42-2, 90 pages
- EL CUERPO DE LA LUNA poemas 2013, Editorial Maribelina, Lima, Peru, ISBN 978-9972-685-46-0, 73 pages
- ARAÑAZOS SOBRE LA FAZ DEL ESPEJO, poemas, 2015, Ediciones Torremozas, Madrid, España, ISBN 978-84-7839-618-4
Cărțile Flaviei Cosma în limba franceză:
- Le miel trouble du matin, poèmes, 2012, L’Harmattan, Paris, France, ISBN 978-2-296-96071-8, 144 pages
- Le corps de la lune, poèmes, mai 2014, L’Editions du Cygne, Paris, France, ISBN 978-2-84924-359-6, 82 pages
- Quartier latin, poèmes, octobre 2014, L’Editions du Cygne, Paris, France, ISBN 978-2-84924-378-7, 75 pages
- Griffures sur le miroir poèmes, 2015, L’Editions du Cygne, Paris, France, ISBN 978-2-84924-423-4
Cărțile Flaviei Cosma în limba română:
- SĂLBĂTICIUNI ŞI UMBRE, poeme, ISBN 978-973-148-212-5, Editura Ars Longa, 2015, Iasi, Romania
- LINIŞTE DIVINĂ, poeme, ediţie bilingvă româno/albaneză, ISBN 978-9951-02-232-8, Editura Amanda Edit Verlag, 2015, Bucureşti, România, 120 pagini
- ZGÂRIETURI PE FAŢA OGLINZII, poeme, ISBN 978-973-148-150-0, Editura Ars Longa, 2013, Iasi, Romania
- TRUPUL LUNII poeme, ISBN 978-973-148-111-1, Editura Ars Longa, 2012, Iasi, România
- PE CĂI DE NIMENI ŞTIUTE, poeme, ISBN 978-973-148-074-9, Editura Ars Longa, 2011, Iasi, România
- FOCUL CE NE ARDEroman, ISBN 978-973-148-075-6, Editura Ars Longa, 2011, Iasi, România
- CARTIERUL LATIN, poeme, ISBN 978-973-148-073-2, Editura Ars Longa, 2011, Iasi, România
- POVEŞTI SUB CLAR DE LUNĂ/ CONTES DE FÉES, contes (édition bilingue Românian/French), Editura Ars Longa, 2009, Iaşi România, ISBN 978-973-148-028-2, 151 pages
- NEANT BINEVOITOR, (BENEVOLENT ABYSS), poeme de Flavia Cosma, Editura Semne, 2007, Bucharest, România, ISBN 978-973-624-533-6, 103 pages
- CÂNTECE LA MAREA EGEE, (SONGS AT THE AEGEAN SEA), poeme de Flavia Cosma, Editura Ars Longa, 2007, Iaşi, România, ISBN 978-973-8912-74-8, 71 pages
- TEATRU PENTRU COPII MICI ŞI MARI, (CHILDREN’S PLAYS), Editura Familia 2007, Oradea, România, ISBN 978-973-9401-73-9, 58 pages
- IN BRAŢELE TATĂLUI (IN THE ARMS OF THE FATHER), poeme, 2006, Editura Cogito, Oradea România, ISBN 973-8032-52-0, 88 pages
- RHODOS SAU RHODES SAU RODI, Jurnal Sentimental, (Journal de voyaje), Oct. 2005, Editura Limes, Cluj, România, ISBN 973-726-093-7, 150 pages
- JURNAL, poeme, 2004, Editura Cogito, Oradea, România, ISBN 973-8032-35-0, 68 pages
- AMAR DE PRIMĂVARĂ (BITTERNESS OF SPRING), poeme, 2003, Editura România Libera, Bucharest, România, ISBN 973-86308-8-6, 83 pages
- CINĂ CU DEMONI (DINING WITH DEMONS), poeme, 1999, Editura Eminescu, Bucharest, România, ISBN 973-22-0759-0, 91 pages
- PĂSĂRI ŞI ALTE VISE (BIRDS AND OTHER DREAMS), poeme, 1997, Editura Eminescu, Bucharest, România, ISBN 973-22-0589-X, 84 pages
- Citadela, Satu Mare, România, Sept. 2007 (Cerul de Lapte, Trei Inimi)
- Variety Crossing Volume 9, Toronto, 2007 (The Word)
- Murmurs of Voices / Murmure des voix / Murmurul Vocilor, Cogito Publishing House, 2007:
(Bilingual Poems by Flavia Cosma: The Oldest of the Old, Nocturnal Silence, Resurrection, If I Could Be..., In the Arms of the Father; also translations by Flavia Cosma of poems by Gloria Mindock, George Elliott Clarke, Dae-Tong Huh)
- A Canadian Anthology of Poetry - Butterfly Thunder, A Beret Days Book, 2007
(Blind Bird and The Moon's Body)
- Verse Afire, Tri-Annual Publication of The Ontario Poetry Society (Leaves of a Diary 18)
- Citadela, Literary Magazine, Satu-Mare, România
(Translations by Flavia Cosma of two poems by Gloria Mindock)
- Istanbul Literary Review - September 2007
a. (Poems: Beyond, Lament, Stones-Words, Hazy Twilight, Under the Cover of Time, also, excerpt of: Rhodes or Rhodos or Rodi - Travel memoir by Flavia Cosma)
- Earls Court e-zine (Appointment)
- Poetry Salzburg Review, Nr. 10, Autumn, 2006 (Solitude and Remoteness)
- Unlocking the Muse, Beret Days Press, 2006 (Ask Me)
- CAA Anthology, Nov. 16, 2006 (Manege Aquatic, In The Afternoon, The Rain Descends, The Lesson, Sculpture)
- Poesia, Fayetteville, Arkansas, October 2005 (Night of Autumn, Nocturnal Silence)
- Anthology Amor Olvidado, El Centro de Estudios Poeticos, Madrid, Spain (La Estacion del Amor)
- Canadian Women's Studies, Toronto, Canada, October 2005 (Bullfight)
- ABSINTHE, New European Writing, 2005
- Variety Crossing, Toronto, 2005
- Parameter, Manchester, UK Vol. 1, September, 2005 (Of Late Autumn, Resurrection, Separation)
- Clepsidra cu Marturii, ed. Adam, 2003, Bucuresti, România
- Aurora 2003, Oradea, România
- Literatura Na Swiecie, 1998, Warszawa, Poland
- KCL Modern Poetry In Translation, 1994-95
- LIPS - International Women Poets 1993, Montclair, NJ, USA
- Poetry East 1990, Depaul University, Chicago, IL, USA
- Canadian Women Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada, 1989
- Liberte, Montreal, Canada, 1988
Afilieri artistice și literare
- League of Canadian Poets
- Writers' Union of România
- The Academy of American Poets
- The Writers' Union of Canada
- Pen International - Canada
- British Comparative Literature Association
- The Ontario Poetry Society
- The Canadian Ethnic Media Association
- Canadian Authors Association
- Writers and Editors Network, Toronto
- POEME INCENDIARE (BURNING POEMS), poems by George Elliott Clarke, 2006, Editura Cogito, Oradea, România, ISBN 973-8032-48-2, 86 pages (English/Românian)
- A SETTLEMENT OF WORDS (AŞEZARE DE VORBE), poems by Ioan Tepelea, 2009, Červená Barva Press, W. Somerville, Massachusetts, USA, a chapbook, 24 pages (Românian/English)
- NIMIC PENTRU AICI, NIMIC PENTRU DINCOLO (NADA POR AQUI, NADA POR ALLA), poems by Luis Raul Calvo, 2009, Editura Gens Latina, Alba Iulia, România, ISBN 976-606-92026-2-3, 68 pages (Spanish/Românian)
- LA PORŢILE RAIULUI (AT THE HEAVEN’S GATES), poems by Gloria Mindock, Editura Ars Longa, Iasi, România, (English/Românian) 2010.
- PROFANE UNCERTAINTIES (PROFANOS INCERTIDUMBRES), poems by Luis Raul Calvo, Červená Barva Press, W. Somerville, Massachusetts, USA (Spanish/ English), 2010
- OBOSEALA CENTAURULUI, poems by Jose Guillermo Vargas, Editura Ars Longa, Iasi, Romania, (Spanish/Romanian), 2012
- SCRISORI PENTRU SAÏDA, poèmes by Denis Emorine, Editura Ars Longa, Iasi, Romania, (Français/Roumain), 2012
- MANHATTAN SONG—cinci poeme occidentale, poèmes by Luis Benitez, Editura Ars Longa, Iasi, Romania, ISBN 978-973-148-136-4, 74 pages (Spanish/Romanian) 2013
- MARIE VINDECĂTOAREA—poèmes by Louis-Philippe Hebert, Editura Ars Longa, Iasi, Romania (Français/Roumain), 2015
- VIAŢA REALĂ şi alte poeme—poemas de Luis Raúl Calvo, Editura Amanda Edit Verlag, Bucarest, Rumania, (Albanes/ Rumano), 2015
Documentarii TV
Writing, Producing and Directing
- "România, A Country At The Crossroads"
Canadian Scene National Award for TV Documentary, 1991
- "Freedom Sweet Dream" A look at post-revolution România, 1992
- "The Scott Mission of Toronto, A Miracle on Spadina Avenue", 1995
Piese de teatru pentru copii
Writing, Producing and Directing
- "The Legend of the Sunflower", 1970, Children's Radio Drama, Bucharest, România
- "The Four Brothers", 1971, Children's Radio Drama, Bucharest, România
- "Folk Tales", 1971, Children's Radio Drama, Bucharest, România
- "Three Folk Tales", 1980, Sainte Marguerite Bourgeouys Catholic School, Toronto, Ontario
- March 4, 2009 - Noches de Poesia, Montreal
- February 6, 2009 - Laurentian University, Sudbury
- February 27, 2009 - Nellie's Shelter
- December 3, 2007 Poetry Reading - Cooked and Eaten Events, 2007-08 season - Cervantes Restaurant, 211 Hunter St. W. Peterborough, ON 7:30pm
- May 16, 2007, Flavia read at a poetry reading presented by DRAFT
- February 14, 2007 reading and lecturing about poetry at Nellie's Women's Shelter, Toronto
- Author Series - Deer Park Library "Flavia Cosma, a renowned Românian poet, read from her ninth book of poetry Leaves of a Diary" Wednesday, November 1, 2006
- September 9, 2006: Flavia Cosma read at the Vaughan Poets' Circle
- September 6, 2006 Literary Soiree: Flavia Cosma read from her latest books at the Românian Association ARTA - Kitchner and Banatul Românian Cultural Centre (Event sponsored by The Writer's Union of Canada)
- Flavia read at Poetry in Translation, Art Bar, November 22, 2005, Toronto, Ontario
- Launching of Jurnal and Amar de Primavara, December 18, 2005, Waterloo, Ontario
- Launching of Fata Morgana at Coffee Mill, Toronto, 2003
- Launching of Wormwood Wine at the Centre for the East European Studies, University of Toronto, February 2002
- Reading at Carpathian Books Literary Event, Toronto, Jan. 1994
- Visiting Writers Program, Sunny College at Farmingdale, NY December 1992
- Reading Series at the United Nations, New York, June 1991
- Bridging the Waters, an International Festival of Poetry and Writing in Translation, Passaic College, Paterson, New Jersey, March 18, 1989
- 11th Annual Conference of the American Literary Translators Association, New York, October 19-22, 1988
- Reading at Innis College Town Hall, U of Toronto, Nov. 25, 1987
- Une Nuite de Poesie, Semaine Francophone a Toronto, Oct. 1987
- Three Folk Tales by Flavia Cosma, directed by Flavia Cosma, at Blessed Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School, May-June 1980
Drepturile omului
- October 27, 2007 Speaking about Human Rights in Multicultural Canada and The Condition of Writers In Exile at the University of Bucharest, România
- October 20, 2007 Speaking about Human Rights in Multicultural Canada and The Condition of Writers In Exile at the University of the North, Baia Mare, România
- October 18, 2007 Speaking about Human Rights in Multicultural Canada and The Condition of Writers In Exile at the University of Iaşi, România
- May 1, 2007, 10:00am - speaking on Human Rights to students at Henry Hudson Public School, Scarborough
- May 8, 2007 "Reality Day" Flavia Cosma spoke about television documentary production at a career day event, at J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate, Ajax, ON
- December 6, 2006, speaking to 100 students at Cornell Jr. Public School, about Human Rights and Refugee Camps.
- April 10, speaking about Human Rights in a Totalitarian State at Banting and Best School, Scarborough, ON, to grade 5 students.
- April 7, reading from "Leaves of a Diary" and speaking about poetry at Leaside High School, to grade 12 and 13 students
- March 7, 2006, speaking of life in a Totalitarian Society to grade 7 and 8 students, at St. Marguerite d'Youville School, Richmond Hill, ON.
- Talking about Refugee Camps in Europe: Jan. 12, 2006, Leaside High School, two separate groups, grade 12 and grade 10/gifted students
- Reflections of Human Rights: Dec. 17, 2005, Dallington Public School, speaking to grade 5 and 6 students
- Flavia was invited to write at the International Writers' and Translators' Centre "Waves of the Three Seas" in the island of Rhodes, from September 16 to October 16, 2007
- Santa Fe Art Institute, July 1 to August 1 2007
- International Writers' and Translators' Centre, Rhodes - March 6 to March 31 2005
- International Writers' and Translators' Centre, Rhodes - June 20 to July 12 2006