Iata cateva impresii ale participantilor:
In the middle of June 2019, I drove to Val David, Quebec, with poet-songstress and friend Honey Novick. We had been invited to participate in Les Mots du Monde,
the nineteenth international writers’ and artists’ festival of readings, songs, and discussions. The location was the residence of international poet Flavia Cosma.
Cosma has been hosting the writer’s event for close to a decade in her large house in the forest just outside the resort town of Val David in the Laurentians.
The program spanned two days of lecture, readings, performance and art by artists and writers from Argentina, Romania, Mexico, USA, Laval, Montreal, and Toronto.
Poets, writers, musicians and artists included Honey Novick, Hélène Dorion, Tito Alvarado, Dinorah Gutiérrez Andana, Flavia Cosma, Gerette Buglion, Yvan-Denis Dupuis,
EcologyOfStory Jeremiah Wall, Nina Munteanu, Nancy R. Lange, Nicole Davidson, Carmen Doreal, MarieAnnie Soleil, Luis Raúl Calvo, Louis-Philippe Hébert, Melania Rusu
Caragioiu, Anna-Louise Fontaine.
Nina Munteanu writer, Toronto, ON
June 8, 2019
From the music of Yvan Denis Dupuis:
Like fingers reaching out to soothe
my knotted muscles
this music finds me and
comforts me
making me laugh, lightheartedly
as a butterfly would alight
on a leaf
I am happy
I am here
I am not blind to strife and struggle
but in this very moment
I am happy
In this very moment, lilting seed
planted in my heart
waits to be nurtured
so that it can grow into fruition
and offer sweetness
II The music of Yvan Denis Dupuis
capitulates from soft to softer
from thought to sensation
to “le Bonheur”
it is perfect, touching the moment
letting go
finding a language sans words
this music is the gold at the end of the rainbow
only the fortunate hear it
acknowledge it, and engrave it
in their hearts
I am one of the fortunate
Honey Novick poet, singer, Toronto, ON
Flavia : Congratulations on Festival number 19. Excellent group of writers and artists! Looking forward to number 20.
Jeremiah Wall, poet, singer, Val-David, QC
Je repars nourrie de poésie et de gratitude d’avoir été en contact avec d’aussi belles personnes
Anna Louise Fontaine, poète et artiste, Laurentides, QC
Chère Flavia, félicitations! C’est toujours un immense bonheur de participer à ton Festival de Poésie…On y rencontre des partout. Merci encore.
Yvan Denis Dupuis auteur-compositeur, Laurentides, QC
Querida Flavia, Estar en este Festival ha sido una de las más intensa y felices experiencias que he tenido en mi vida, gracias a la Poesía. Celebro conocerte
y agradezco profundamente que me hayas invitado. Merci!
Dinorah Gutiérrez Andana poeta México
I arrived in Val-David knowing no one, feeling uncertain but trusting my instincts that here I would find a place to write and to finish my manuscript.
And, Voila, I have found so much more! I discovered the magic of international artistic celebration, expanding myself and bringing new meaning to creative
expression. I found peace—inner and outer—in which to write and accomplish more than I hoped for. And I found incredible warmth of friendship with people
from far and wide and especially with dear Flavia without whom none of this would be possible. With gratitude
Gerette Buglion, writer, Vermont, USA